Monthly Archives: October 2010

Happy Halloween from Melinda Mae!

Halloween used to be my favorite holiday because I always had so much fun dressing up! Unfortunately, this year I didn’t dress up but for sure, I will next year. Walking by the multiple Halloween stores, I like to see what the popular costumes are.   I did see some great Jersey Shore costumes.


The Situation


Here is the Situation!  If someone is interested in being the Situation for Halloween, you can save some money by just drawing abs on yourself and using a ton of spray tan. Get a can of mousse and grease up your hair and don’t forget the cheesy pick-up lines!




Snooki is another popular costume, but all you really need is a can of hairspray to make the poof and a really tight short dress. And to complete the transition, make sure you do Snooki’s signature sound, “WAHHHH!”

The thing that makes me sad about Halloween is how every costume can somehow be turned into a “Slutty ______”. Here are some examples that are disappointing because they took my wholesome childhood memories and twisted them into really tiny outfits.


Slutty Rainbow Brite



Slutty Care Bear



Strawberry Shortcake



Mrs. Potato Head


And look at how the Disney Princess Costumes got ruined…


Belle from Beauty & the Beast



Aurora from Sleeping Beauty



Snow White


I don’t have anything against people who have worn these costumes, but I wish that there would be a bit more creativity to these costumes and more true to the actual character. What I love most about Halloween is to see everyone’s creativity, especially when people make their own costumes. Anyone want to share what they were for Halloween this year?

Capsule Design Festival – October 17th!

Capsule Design Festival is coming up again this Sunday, October 17th. I love being a part of Capsule Design Festival because there are so many great independent designers at this festival and I am always able to pick up some fabulous early holiday gifts and some gifts for myself! Here’s all the info!

Capsule Design Festival
Sunday, October 17th, 2010
11am – 6pm
Hayes Valley, SF
Octavia St and Linden St.
Booth #89

This event is FREE and will feature over 120 local independent designers. I will also be bringing some of the new Fall Melinda Mae handbags! Hope to see you there!